
Donate & Join YTF

Donate & Join YTF

How you can make an impact

The work we do is essential to the future of our global community, and we need your help to change even more lives. Here are a few ways you can make a difference:

Donate Your Time & Talent

We always need the help of smart, enthusiastic volunteers that share our vision. Designers, technologists, mentors, finance/operations gurus, business analysts and more are all welcome. Reach out to us to find out more about volunteer opportunities and how we can work together to enrich lives with technology.

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Share Equipment

Getting physical, hands-on access to devices and technologies is an integral part of the programs YTF supports. If you’re in a position to donate or share technology equipment, talk to us.

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Fund a Program

Fundraising is the one activity that has the potential to multiply the amount of money available for the cause that we care about so deeply. 100% of donations you make as an individual go directly to the field through matching programs, annual campaigns and employee engagement.

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Get Your Company Involved

We partner with corporations for matching programs, annual campaigns, employee engagement and other fundraising ideas tailored to the business’ market and brand. To get your company or small business involved our programs, please email

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Contact Us

Call or Email Us

North America HQ: 502.410.5523
Africa HQ: +234.8038665843

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Support YTF

Transforming the lives of youth and women living in low-income and marginalized communities doesn’t happen by chance. It requires thoughtful investment in a holistic program of support. Join us in this work to change communities for good.

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