Five Easy Ways to Help YTF This Month

With pride in our work and gratitude in our hearts, here are a handful of ideas of how you can to help us keep driving our mission forward. (Need a refresher on our work? Here’s what we’re all about.)

1. Shop with AmazonSmile

We know you’re online buying last-minute gifts. No? How about splurging online with your holiday bonus? We feel ya. Just know that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to Youth For Technology Foundation whenever you shop on AmazonSmile, so click the link and continue shopping. Easy.

2. Share your tech equipment

Did you know YTF accepts donations of working technology equipment? We’re looking for desktop computers (monitors and CPUs), laptops, printers, photocopiers, overhead projectors, digital cameras and video recorders. In particular, we are always in need of Pentium IV desktops and higher, as well as laptops.

We’re not saying to poke around your great aunt’s basement during your holiday celebrations, but if you happen to find an unused piece of equipment in good working order, we certainly won’t say no.

3. Become a brand ambassador at your company (& match donations!)

We know many companies run workplace giving campaigns encouraging their employees to donate to a nonprofit of choice. This is one way to not only make a financial contribution to YTF, but also to be an ambassador for YTF in the company.

4. Show off your fundraising skills

Did you accidently make a couple dozen extra cookies this holiday season? Have one too many holiday parties on your calendar? Follow the lead of these 2 young sisters in the U.K., who wrote to YTF about a bake sale they were hosting to benefit YTF. So sweet!

5. Remember YTF in your year-end giving.

Did you take on the challenge in #4? Awesome. Is “helping make a positive change in the world” on your New Year’s resolution list? Even better. Donating to YTF is super easy and super satisfying, especially after reading about the people in our community who get a boost up in life, with your help.

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