


About Colombia:

  • Recovering from 50 years of armed conflict
  • 6.5 million Colombians were displaced during the past five decades
  • Income inequality is the country’s largest economic problem
  • 27.8% of the population lives in poverty

YTF Programs in Colombia:

Soacha Digital Village: In partnership with a local grassroots organization in Soacha, YTF established the Soacha Digital Village, the region’s first community technology and learning center. The Digital Village serves as an after-school “hub” to provide daily technology education training for youth between the ages of 5-16.

Girls in ICT Day
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What’s a Digital Village?

This is what we call our training centers (officially “Community Technology and Learning Centers (CTLC’s)”. They take a different form in every country, based on the grassroots organizations we partner with and what types of training programs the community needs. In each country, we have one flagship Digital Village, though YTF works more broadly across each country delivering programs in partnership with other organizations.

In most cases, it is an established location that provides hardware (like computers), employs local citizens as trainers, and hosts training programs most relevant to that community. They can be franchised to serve new communities.

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