Youth for Technology Foundation’s U.S. offices are in Louisville, Kentucky, where the lives of both Breonna Taylor and David McAttee were cut short by police violence recently.
I have observed with anger and profound sadness the events unfolding across the U.S. this past week. The threats and use of violence against members of the Black community are not new. The lives of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and now David McAttee were cut short. Christian Cooper was falsely accused of a serious offense. These appalling events cannot be ignored. All these names are now trending as hashtags for a horrifying reason: these people are all victims of hate and racism in America. Racial oppression is an everyday experience for the Black and African-American community in the United States. To be silent is to be complicit.
YTF was created to empower everyone on the planet to unlock and achieve their potential. Everyone is worthy. Everyone is somebody. Everyone has talent. Everyone should be treated with respect. This belief is built into our organization’s DNA. We will continue to ensure that every young person we are privileged to meet develops empathy, compassion, and a sense of justice from an early age. Now, more than ever, we must use our platforms and resources to drive the systemic change we want to see. We cannot do this alone. We know that we are smarter, better, and stronger when we consider the voices of not just a few, but of all people—and when we advocate that all voices should be heard and valued, regardless of where someone was born.
Today and every day, I stand in complete solidarity with the Black community and share my total support for racial equality. The YTF family stands firmly in the fight against systemic racism. There is simply no place for racism, prejudice, or hatred in the world.
Black people are being urged to move on and heal. But how can anyone heal when the oppressor’s knee is still on their neck? It’s okay to be not okay right now. We see you, and we stand with you. We hope that we can all break through the din of sadness, anger, and frustration that we feel now. It is time for all of us to do what is required to end the systemic racism that divides us. Let’s keep doing what we need to do, and make sure that we never stop.
In Solidarity,
Njideka Harry
Youth for Technology Foundation (YTF)