Introducing YTF Volunteer… Nathan Janos

An online volunteer for YTF. He graduated with a degree in Computer Science and Engineering from MIT and currently lives in Los Angeles.

What is your past experience in volunteering?

“I’ve done various tutoring jobs for kids throughout my life really, more in science and math.  I have also coached swimming for kids, and I’m currently helping kids with science projects.”

NJanos-smlWhat type of work do you do currently?

“’I’m a software engineer. I recently changed positions; I used to work as an algorithms engineer.”

What are your motivations for volunteering for a non-profit like YTF?

“I really like giving back to kids as opposed to all the other ways you can donate. I believe technology is the force that’s going to save us. Technology is a great tool, and I like the idea of helping kids get access to technology and information.

I actually started volunteering after I donated to YTF. I was looking to donate to an organization that works with kids and technology a couple years ago as gift for Christmas for my family, and ended up donating to Youth for Technology, and then was contacted to volunteer my time”

What role do you think technology plays in a global setting?

“Say a kid was interested in a concept, they could look up a Wikipedia article in the middle of nowhere and learn something. That wouldn’t happen 25 years ago.  Give them a $100 computer, an Internet connection, and a power source and they have all they need. This is good for all kids, but there are some kids I imagine that have certain minds that could go on to cure cancer or help the world in some other way if only they have access to information. I hope they go out and explore dreams, or even have the chance to find those dreams.

For me, I came from poor public school and I didn’t have resources at home, but was still able to go to the library.  I would imagine now that our potential is even greater. Access to technology lets kids lead their own way and do things like strategize about how to start their own micro-enterprise, see options for going to university, or get information on how to achieve their future goals.”

What do you see your strengths as, specifically relating to the talent you hope to contribute to Youth for Technology Foundation?

“I manage YTF’s Search Engine Marketing Campaign. I happen to know a lot in this field so it’s easy for me to help out with this.”

Any final thoughts you’d like to share about the importance of donating time and talent to organizations, like YTF?

“I get real sense of satisfaction out of donating; it’s something you don’t get unless you do it.  People should donate, even just a little bit.  Give $50 or a weekend. There is a long lasting personal satisfaction after donating time that I think is surprising.”


Interviewed in December 2010 by Sarah Olinger, YTF Communications (


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